Philosophy and the Science of Magic

Snake Foot Tribe is an artist collective enabling and encouraging artists to develop multiple streams of income instead of relying on a "job" to provide for basic needs. Peace, productivity, and prosperity are considered to be part of the process of living on this earth.

The human essence is immortal and as such can be experienced in this physical expression as well as pre incarnation and post incarnation in the flesh as body phenomenon. The focus of our existence is often on this physical expression of life rather than the essence of the life energy itself.

Peace and prosperity are natural elements of life on earth, never a source of conflict.

Peace being far more than the absence of war. Peace as the contented living on this planet with no natural enemies, life on earth perceived as a paradise where enemies simply do not exist.

Our political, social, medical, even our economic models are hostile and often violent, creating perceptual enemies that need to be fought but never seem to be conquered. So the fight goes on and on and on.

Snake Foot Tribe collaborates with Lost White Brother in presenting the philosophy of current and theoretical science, as an example of how artists can collaborate to create a synthesis of prosperity and productivity.

  • Bruce Magnotti

    The tribe's muse, Bruce is a proponent of increasing awareness, enhancing creative expression, opening and developing channels of expression, often called chakras from his Vedic influence.

    From Bruce's perspective the Vedas and the Tao Te Ching are the most ancient science, the life and teachings of Jesus, the words of Krishanmurti, and the current awakening of human awareness above the materialistic Newtonian traditions we have all been conditioned and programmed by, to 'believe' in.

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  • Simonne Garrigues

    The enlightened one, Simonne expresses the child like simplicity, thoughtful and meditative, she is the flower but she is also the faerie enjoying the sight, the color, the scent of the flower, she is the field where the flower grows, the birds fly over, beautiful elf feet running over firm soil .

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  • Casia Townsley

    The tribe's shaman, Casia, is the empath, the fire, the adhesive and the essence of Snake Foot Tribe. Understanding, insight, and creative intellect are her contributions to the tribe as well as the ability to portray the philosophy in the fine arts of painting both on canvas, murals, aerial artistry...

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  • Natasha Glenn

    The tribe's siren, Natasha, is the tribes model for the clothes we design and create. Natasha and her 'army' of mannequins will slay your conditioned awareness and awaken you to the present moment where you will relax and perceive the future you are facing and speeding toward. You may see a few of her more potent portraits here. as she is the model. Natasha lures, hypnotizes, and captures,

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